
This is a question we get asked often, and fortunately we have the data to answer. Turns out, you can save a whole bunch of cash by choosing a flight with a stopover, rather than flying direct. And you might save more than you think. For example, flying Hong Kong to Los Angeles with a single stop can save you up to 44% on average compared to a direct flight. Similarly, you can save up to 26% if you’re willing to make a stop on the way to London.

We’ve compared five of the most popular long-haul destinations for Hong Kong travellers, and highlighted the savings you can make by being a little more patient.

The top five long-haul destinations for Hong Kong travellers:

Despite stopover flights being cheaper in general, Hong Kongers still tend to prefer direct flights, with a massive 96% of users on removing all flight results with one stopover or more. With this in mind, we’ve put together this handy list of the cheapest direct flights, to help you decide when to stopover and when it’s probably not worth the additional time:

Cheapest direct long-haul flights from Hong Kong:

So there you go. Question answered. And it’s easy to get savvy with your searches. Just use the stopover filter next time you’re looking at flights on


Image credit: ©PhotonCatcher/

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KAYAK Since 2004, KAYAK has been revolutionising the travel industry. Metasearch for travel? No one was doing it. Until we did. Today, we process billions of queries across our platforms each year for travel information, helping millions of travellers around the globe make confident decisions. With every query, KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to show travellers the information they need to find the right flights, hotels, hire cars and holiday packages.

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